Bootcamp – Total Body Improvement
This form of cardio is high impact and not for the faint of heart. We essentially use High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), with each circuit lasting 2mins. Up to 7-8 circuits in all, no breaks given until all circuits are completed thus ending 1 round.
Goal to get 3 rounds. Includes training with the use of numerous plyometrics such as step-ups with risers and BOSU balls, side shuffles, loaded squat jumps, also push-ups, planks, dumbbell workouts, jump ropes, sandbags, all done to the beats of exciting music in the background, very intense.
Bootcamp costs (at least 3 or more):
$50 per 1-hour session
*This is a local price. You can come to me or I can come to you. Depending on the distance a travel fee may be charged.
**Check my calendar to join in on no charge sessions open at various locations.